How Ampli5 works
Ampli5 technology corrects disorganized energy fields. It allows photons to have a frequency wave form that is infinitely coherent and infinitely small to transparently pass through you. It rearranges and redefines molecules in the body so that they return to their native state of equilibrium. The molecules in our bodies are more defined. Everything works better and more efficiently. Ampli5 Technology creates a field which is a non-Hertzian subtle energy field that literally polarizes random photons. Ampli5 realigns and accelerates our energy field and eliminates random energy fields in our bodies. We are all electromagnetic beings. The human body grounds electromagnetic radiation in the environment because of the electrical conductivity of our body. It is attracted to us. Frequency is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. When there is frequency, there is electromagnetic potential. We are being influenced by the magnetic action (or attraction) of the frequencies that surround our lives each day and frequencies influence our state of well being. Everything has an electrical frequency measured in hertz.
All living systems are based on electromagnetic energy. Every cell in your body is generating an electromagnetic field. The whole universe is made up of energy - every plant, every rock, even the planet itself. Man-made electromagnetic radiation is not the only source of random photons in the environment. However, the problem we experience is that these frequencies, which we have never encountered before historically, are a very different spectrum of frequencies than the living body uses. Based on his studies, researcher Nikola Tesla said that, if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.
Ampli5-Technology blocks EMF from entering your body. Be eliminating these EMF fields from entering your body and by correcting your body\'s equilibrium at the cellular level, Ampli5 products bring your body back to its native form so that your body performs at its optimum level. Every human being should be using Ampli5 technology for overall well being and improved performance.
The principles behind the Ampli5 Technology
The principles behind the technology of the Ampli5 Technology are deeply rooted in science. The science behind the band is quite simple. Every living being has an electric frequency that occurs naturally throughout their body. This frequency is what allows us to function: our immune system, our strength and balance and every other basic utility operates in direct correlation with this electric frequency. However, the comforts and necessities of today’s society (cell phones, computers, microwave towers etc…) are emitting electromagnetic pollution at an alarming rate. This pollution continuously compromises our bodies’ frequency which not only reduces its capability to heal and defend itself, but diminishes one’s strength, balance and energy.
The answer to combating electromagnetic pollution is to subtly raise the body’s electric frequency which allows it to operate at its optimum potential. This is done by introducing a healthy and increased frequency to the system through the technology of the Ampli5 Technology. The band itself contains an alloy metal that has been permanently imprinted with the exact frequencies of a healthy human body. As soon as the metal comes into contact with the skin, the body recognizes the frequencies and immediately carries it throughout.
We have tested the product on 1000’s of people and every time the results are amazing. In an independent test, over 540 people were administered the strength and balance tests. Only two subjects reported no difference. Sixty-seven percent reported feeling over 50% stronger and more balanced. The remaining 32% reported noticing increases from 15% to 50%.We invite you to try the balance and strength tests with the Ampli5 Technology and see for yourself what the buzz is all about.
Everything vibrates. Every atom in the universe has a specific vibratory or periodic motion. Each periodic motion has a frequency (the number of oscillations per second) that can be measured in Hertz. Every element in the Periodic Table has a specific vibratory frequency. We use enzymes to break down molecular components. Each of these enzymes has a unique crystalline form with a specific vibratory frequency. However, different types of frequencies can have a chaotic or a harmonizing effect on our own systems. When something vibrates at many dissonant frequencies, it produces "chaotic or incoherent frequencies." (David Stewart, The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple).
All of the electrical devices in your home - lamps, television, radio, phone, and microwave - emit electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. But they use AC (alternating current) electrical frequencies that are incoherent and chaotic. Their effect is to fracture the human electrical field. The human body vibrating within its normal vibratory range between 62 and 68 MHz is considered in a state of health. But energy disturbances in the subtle bodies will actually precede the appearance of disease and illness in the physical body.
The normally harmonious coherent frequencies of the body easily go out of "tune" when a person experiences physical or emotional stress. A blockage of the flow of life energy - characterized by inflammation, irritation and illness - can result. When the human frequency range drops below the norm of 62 megahertz, this is when abnormal processes can begin to develop.
When disease and illness are present, they may manifest as chemical imbalances. But underlying this is an electromagnetic imbalance that has altered the specific vibrational frequencies of molecules, cells, tissues and organs within the body. Properly "retuning" the body to its original frequency brings it into balance and restores its natural harmonic resonance - illness either doesn\'t manifest or is resolved. According to Dr. Richard Gerber MD, author of Vibrational Medicine, one of the best ways we can change dysfunctional patterns in our energy bodies is to administer therapeutic doses of "frequency-specific subtle energy." The intention of this healing process is to provide the correct frequency that will bring the body back to a state of coherence, to a state of equilibrium.